The first breath

Created by Bastien Soleil
Special Guests:  Marion Crampe and Lia Kemendi

The inspiration

Where it all begins.

The origin. A fascinating universe which seems almost untouchable. For the one who learns to control his mind; water represents the quintessence of freedom; free from gravity, resistance and pain. Two-dimensional space converts into a new three-dimensional world. 
To create an union between the body and Water is to open the door to a new field of artistic possibilities.

The objective

Bastien Soleil, recognized freediving instructor, photographer and awards-winning videographer, is convinced that everything is to be created in the water.

It’s the reason why he has been working for years on an unique project
“The First Breath”: to guide everyone, who do not have experience of diving/freediving and professionists, people sensitive to beauty and aesthetics towards a new space of evolution and creation, to access the underwater world and so to enable a new space for their creation.

Y-40 Studios Bastien Soleil The First Breath DSC05461
Y-40 The first breath Bastien Soleil (11)

The workshop

The idea is to bring together a team of talents and to embody the symbiosis between humans and Water in the service of Art.
Teaching and guiding the participants with no (or little) previous freediving experience to be able to produce and perform safely at a few meters’ depth.

These 5 days of full immersion training will take place next to Venice, Italy, here in the amazing and world-re-nowned Y-40®. This unique course will conclude with a full production/creation day.

This coaching is designed as a crossroads of knowledge between the one given by Bastien Soleil, Lia Kemendi or Marion Crampe and each participant.
Together, they will show you how to free yourself underwater. Then, you will move through the medium with your own movement experience.

Eventually…magic will happen.

• Anyone with attraction for the water
• Anyone curious to explore more about herself/himself
• Anyone looking for learning something new

• The workshop is not about swimming or freediving, it’s about discovering how, with simple technique, we can be one with water safely.

• To breathe properly to prepare your mind and body for the immersion
• To control the equalization of the ears in the water
• To control your mind and your body
• To freedive up to -8m
• To trust and be at peace with water
• To be weightless and free of gravity
• To perform underwater safely with or without a mask

• To use the air in the body to help you to move in the water
• The reveal the full potential of your body
• That the element water will always help you if you let your mind free
• The magic of performing in the water
• How we produce safely images underwater

Most of us have fears of being deep in the water and this training will prove to you that as you are with all your specificities and abilities, you will discover that you can achieve beyond your expectation. You will be guided to feel that the only thing that you can find in being submerged are pure joy and freedom.


Start 10.10.2024
End 15.10.2024

2 weeks before – Individual video call with Bastien to train the equalization.

Special Guest: Marion Crampe

Freediving training by Bastien Soleil:
– Guidance by Marion Crampe
– 30 effective hours in the pool
– Production of photos + video by Bastien Soleil
– Diving insurance
– Freediving equipment provided
– Full board accommodation
  @ Hotel Millepini Terme
   (Vegan and vegetarian meals available)

What is required:
– Medical certification

€ 2900,00

5 days with instruction in English
The team speaks: French/Spanish
Group size: Maximum of 6 participants


Start 17.10.2024
End 21.10.2024

2 weeks before – Individual video call with Bastien to train the equalization.

Special Guest: Lia Kemendi

Freediving training by Bastien Soleil:
– Guidance by Lia Kemendi
– Underwater dance exploration 
– 30 effective hours in the pool
– Production of photos + video by Bastien Soleil
– Diving insurance
– Freediving equipment provided

What is required:
– Medical certification

€ 3000,00

5 days with instruction in English
Group size: Maximum of 4 participants

The creative and diving team:

Creator of the workshop

Bastien Soleil

Bastien is a recognized freediving master, photographer and award-winning videographer. For many years, he has been training and guiding most of his models to perform underwater. From this experience and the strong desire to bring underwater art to the next level, he designed a unique training course called “The First Breath”. His aims are first, to prove that the water is easily accessible to movement artists and second, to have a team of underwater performers, perfectly trained, available to give birth to all kinds of ideas – his own but also those of other creators.

Special Guest

Marion Crampe

Marion is incredibly passionate about dance – movement and people. She is originally from France and began pole dancing and flexibility training at the age of 25. A few years later, she started hair suspension. She has been traveling since then, sharing her passion for movement, spirituality, love and humour with students and other performers all over the world through her masterclasses and performances. Marion is described as an “artist of spirit”, a definition that you will understand completely once you meet her. She is a firm believer that everyone is different, everyone will tell a different story with their body and in their dancing and she embraces and develops this diversity in her work and art.

Special Guest

Lia Kemendi

Lia Kemendi has a life path full of passion, hard work, discipline and commitment to follow a dream. Her height, at 180cm is unusual for a ballerina, but she didn’t let that get in her way and she turned a weakness into strength. Her passion for dancing naturally grew into an inevitable and distinguished career as a dancer, choreographer and teacher. Her work also includes fashion, commercial and show modelling, developing her own style as a soloist dancer and choreographer for various events, art and fashion shows. She brings her unique and creative skillset to the fashion world, with a touch of class and professionalism that cannot be replicated.